Contact Info

  • 2978 S State Salt Lake City Utah
  • (801) 466-0490

Country Dancing Couples Swing Dance

Intermediate Country Swing Dance Lessons in Salt Lake City

Do you enjoy country music & dancing? Going out to the Westerner regularly? Pick up that much needed technique and new moves at DF Country Swing classes. Our experienced dance teachers will make sure you will be the star on the dance floor. Wondering about the difference between Country Swing and West Coast Swing? Keep on reading and get the full scoop on different swing styles popular right now in Utah!

Western Swing Intermediate Class Schedule

All beyond beginner classses require teacher approval. Please register each student separately. We can't wait to see you!

West Coast or Country Swing?

No partner required & complete beginners are welcome

What Swing styles do we teach?

So what style of swing was the video above? If you said West Coast Swing to the previous video you have guessed correctly! The word "Swing" is an umbrella term for a type of music and now also for several dance styles. West Coast Swing (also called Modern Swing) is danced with 6 or 8 count patterns to mostly "modern / popular" music. Country Swing on the other hand doesn't have a specific count or footwork agreed upon among dancers and is mostly danced to popular Country music. Both dances use 4/4 timing and in the recent years Country Swing has been becoming more and more structured and definied with a variety of competitions and dance events popping up around US. Right now Country Swing style is really a "country swing fusion" that borrows a little bit from West Coast Swing in its pattern structure. It is hugely popular in Utah!
    • Level 2+ Drop-in

    • $20

      single class

    • Take any Level 2+ class at the studio! Approval to join level 2 and up is required
      • 50min class
      • applies to Level 2 & up classes
    • 10 classes

    • $150

      90 day expiration

      • $15/class
      • 90 day expiration
    • Find a class!
    • 20 classes

    • $250

      180 day expiration

      • $12.5/ class
      • 180 days expiration
    • Find a class!
Have questions? Contact us.


To schedule for the class click “sign up” above according to your preferred day of the week and start date or text/call (801) 466-0490. Prepayment is required to register.
Please wear something comfortable for physical activity to your first lesson and select your footwear carefully. We recommend shoes with semi-smooth soles to avoid sticking or slipping on the dance floor. Dance shoes are available for sale at the studio and are a must for dedicated dancers.
Unless stated otherwise, all of our Intermediate Courses are On-Going Courses which progress monthly. If you know you will miss a week or two, please let your instructor know by texting (801) 466-0490. Review videos will be posted each week to the style’s specific Facebook group. (Text for info about Facebook groups.) Going to miss multiple classes? Consider doing Private Lessons.
Our group class pricing options are per person. The cost per lesson goes down as students purchase larger packages ranging from $8 to $17 per class. Click on the specific style you would like to join to see pricing options for that course.
Dance partners are not required. During each of our group classes, instructors rotate partners regularly. Already have a partner? Great! Although students may choose to stay with a designated partner throughout the class, it is strongly recommended for your learning to rotate and practice with other students for optimal improvement. This practice also improves class quality for your fellow students.
To move on from Pre-intermediate to Intermediate, you must be recommended by an instructor. To find out if you’re ready, talk to your instructor to see what you need to do to move on. You can also book private lessons to progress more quickly.